For over 30 years, poets, musicians, and storytellers have come from all over the country to share their talents and to celebrate the time-honored traditions of our childhood's hero's - The American Cowboy! They tell stories of the days of yesteryear and of the time when cowboys were kings! You can almost hear the spurs jingling and the old camp cook calling the riders to a hot meal of the finest beef, biscuits, beans, and boiled coffee.
Thursday, April 24
7:30 p.m. OLD TIME Melodrama - $5.00 - Valentine High School Auditorium
Friday, April 25
9 am - 4 pm - Free Poetry & Music Sessions - Valentine High School
10 am - 7 pm - Western Art, Trade Show - Valentine High School
7:30 pm - Featured Performances, $15 tickets - High School Auditorium
Surprise Guest, David Paul, Floyd Beard, Brooke Turner.
Saturday, April 26
9 am - 12 pm - Free Poetry & Music Sessions - Valentine High School
10 am - 7 pm - Western Art & Trade Show - Valentine High School
1:30 pm - Featured Performances, $15 tickets - High School Auditorium
Performers include Aspiring Poet/Musician, Dave Stamey, Lindy Simmons, Brooke Turner
7:30 pm - Featured Performances, $15 tickets - High School Auditorium
Performers include Surprise Guest, David Paul, Floyd Beard, and Dave Stamey
Sunday, April 27
Special Church Services at Various Churches around Town
3 pm - OLD TIME Melodrama - $5.00 - High School Auditorium